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Coruscant Courier
Fan Fiction


Coruscant Courier

Issue #1

Issue #2

Issue #3

Issue #4

Issue #5

Issue #6

Special Edition

Issue #7

Issue #8 Issue #9

Issue #10

Issue #11

Issue #12 Issue #13

Issue #14

Issue #15

Issue #16

If you have suggestions, questions, or comments please send them to Thanks!

A word from the Coruscant Courier creator, Jedi Jin Su:

I started the Coruscant Courier after discussing the news media between my roommate and myself and wondering why there is no media in Star Wars. Look at the media coverage we have Star Wars alone…we have print, computer, television, we even have news on our cellphones on live streaming video. The Courier is a combination “official” newspaper that gets to interview real senators and legitimate business people and tabloid. Some stories present some of the seamier underworld of Coruscant but it tries to remain real news journalism but still sell news pieces to the public.

Some of the ideas come from suggestions people have made, or things that I might want to read about if I were a citizen of the Republic. All of the stories are AU or Alternative Universe so they can and do include any and all characters from the Star Wars Movies. They try to mirror what is going on in the movies but the timeline goes along with what I have in mind more than what is going on the real world of George Lucas Cinema. Some articles are meant to be funny, some are meant to be sarcastic, some draw on things written about in the official EU of Star Wars and many articles articles are highly researched on the web and official SW site, along with other Star Wars sites.

The Horoscopes are based on Feng Shui and Chinese Astrology with a bit of Buddhism and Shintoism thrown in for good measure. An issue can take approximately 4-6 weeks. I do 75% of the writing myself with a bit of help bouncing ideas off of co-workers and friends. I have give 10% credit to my roommate who assumes the writer’s computer once in a while. The other 15% we will give to the individual characters that offer their enthusiastic help and support in writing.

In the future we hope to be bringing out competition with real tabloid journalism that brings the best and worst of the tabloids to the general public of Coruscant. Since we will be seeing more of the underworld of Coruscant Society it only seems politically correct to have tabloids to go with it now.