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Jek Tono Porkins

(Red 6)




1.8 Meters


Bestine IV



Weapon(s) of Choice:

Blaster Pistol

Jek was a free trader from the Bestine system who had just gone into business for himself when the Empire decided it needed a new high-security base of operations in that arm of the galaxy. The entire population of Bestine IV, by comparison very small, was forced to vacate their homeworld so that the Empire might have a totally secure base of operations. Naturally, there were promises of relocation in a "new and exciting" environment, but these turned out to be empty promises. The people of Bestine IV began to wander nomadically throughout the sector, seemingly without pride or purpose.

Receiving news of this latest Imperial outrage, the then-fledgling Rebel Alliance thought that the homeless people of Bestine IV would make ideal recruits, gladly joining in the cause if only because they had nowhere else to turn. This proved to be untrue. They scoffed at the fugitive "life on the run" that the Rebellion offered, wanting only to live as they were, slowly gathering the weapons and resources needed to retake their stolen world. Even the desperate pleadings of then-Senator Princess Leia Organa could not convince them otherwise. But Jek Porkins heard the words of the Alliance and the Princess, and he saw the truth in them. By joining the Alliance, he could strike back at the Empire right away and perhaps eventually persuade the Rebellion to help his people reclaim their planet. It would likely take his people many standard decades before they could even attempt action against the Imperial base. And Jek was itching for revenge now, in his lifetime, while he could still make a difference.

As with many of the reckless young Rebel pilots, Jek was a champion skyhopper jockey back on his homeworld. The transition from T-16 skyhopper to X-wing fighter is a smooth one, and Lieutenant Porkin’s combat record bears that out. In under 40 hours of actual cockpit time, Jek racked-up an impressive 16 kills, all confirmed. Lieutenant Porkin’s specialty was not actually the dogfight, but rather the oft-neglected strafing run. Having learned the skill from many standard years of sink-crab hunting on the rocky islands of Bestine IV, Jek became deadly with the strafing run during his time with the Alliance. This unusual talent, along with his rather large physical stature, earned a young lieutenant Porkins the not-so-flattering nickname "Belly Runner." 

Before the Battle of Yavin, General Dodonna outlined the mission to destroy the Death Star. As the Rebels rushed to get ready for the battle, the X-wing assigned to Porkins missed its final inspection of computer and flight control systems.

Porkins flew under the call sign Red Six during the Battle of Yavin. After arriving at the approaching battlestation, the Rebels initiated strafing runs in the area around the trench. Porkins's skill with strafing played an important part in the success of the early runs, but the Rebel fighters came under heavy fire from a turbolaser emplacement near one of the surface's many deflection towers.

Biggs Darklighter moved to attack the tower, telling Porkins to provide cover. The two pilots dove towards the surface, opening fire on the tower and scoring a direct hit. However, as the tower exploded, Porkins was caught by debris from the blast, causing instruments throughout his fighter to malfunction. Though his X-wing fighter was generally maneuverable enough to avoid the Death Star's sluggish turbolasers, incorrect readings from his instrumentation left him unable to judge his altitude and he found himself too low and an easy target for enemy fire. Darklighter attempted to warn his friend that he was too low and advised him to eject, but Porkins felt that he could control the problem. Before he was able to regain control, however, he was hit by enemy turbolaser fire and was killed as his X-wing exploded around him.

Jek Porkins was one of the most respected pilots in the Rebel Alliance, and will be remembered fondly by his shining Kenobi Medallion, which, along with his other heroic comrades’, hangs in the pilot’s lounge on Tierfon Fighter base --an inspiration to all who strap themselves into the cockpit of a starfighter.

The "Kenobi Medallion" for heroic sacrifice is one of the highest honors awarded within the Alliance. However, it is only given in memory of those who have noble sacrificed themselves in the Alliance’s fight for freedom against the tyrannies of the Galactic Empire. The first Rebels ever to receive this posthumous commendation were the gallant heroes killed during the Battle of Yavin. Many brave and noble men and women met their end on that day and none were more brave and noble than Jek Porkins.

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