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Archived News
November 2003
Week 4

Saturday November 29, 2003
EPIII: Peter Mayhew Talks Some Again

Peter Mayhew was one of the guests at Memorabilia in the UK this weekend, where he again talked briefly about Episode III. TF.N said the following:

I met Peter Mayhew today in Birmingham UK at the Memorabilia show. He was really nice. He started talking about Star Wars saying that Episode 1 was the worst of the saga, Episode 2 had good points but also had bad points, and (Episode) 3 would be excellent. Spoilers - Highlight to read:

He said about Chewbacca, that the viewer would recognise him but he is different, as he has more muscle definition to his physique, as he is 20 or so years younger. Also he is really looking forward to filming next year.

Posted: by Rebel Racer

Friday November 28, 2003
EPIII: Editing the Film

The Official Site's Homing Beacon newsletter contained new info on Episode III, specifically on the cut of the film and the editing process. Here's a clip of the free newsletter:

"We're breaking down the first 25 minutes, which we need to have from George locked by January 5th, so that we just keep moving," describes Producer Rick McCallum.

Each day Ben Burtt and Roger Barton, the editors of Episode III, continue cutting away, finding the best takes, and piecing together continuous action and scenes to tell the story.

"What happens is that George comes in about 8 a.m., answers his mail, and works with Ben from 9 to 12:30," McCallum says, describing the typical working day. "Ben's doing all the action sequences and cutting together the animatics for those, like the opening space battle, and two other sequences that are the primary things he has to work on. Roger is doing the drama, and George works with him from 2:30 until 6."

Barton and Burtt are also identifying the missing pieces of the puzzle. With so much of the movie yet to be developed as visual effects, there is much that is missing. The editors have the tools needed to temporarily fill in the gaps. Next to Burtt's AVID workstation is a microphone. Into this, he records placeholder dialogue for digital characters or principal actor dialogue that has been changed.

Posted: by Rebel Racer

Friday November 28, 2003
EPIII: Peter Mayhew Talks Ep3

At last weekend's WizardWorld convention in Dallas, Peter Mayhew talked briefly about Episode III. Here's a mini report from Tony:

Peter Mayhew (Chewbacca) gave a Q&A on Friday afternoon. After providing some interesting details regarding his filming of the original trilogy, he asked the audience for questions. Spoilers - Highlight to read:

I asked, "What was the response on the set when you came out with the Chewbacca suit on?"

Mr. Mayhew stated that everybody seemed genuinely excited that "Chewbacca" was back. Several girls posed for photographs with him, then Sam Jackson approached him and proceeded to greet him with some wookie grunts.

Posted: by Rebel Racer

Friday November 28, 2003
EPIII: McGregor talks Episode 3 Filming

JAM! Showbiz features an article on Ewan McGregor, in which he talks about future filming on Episode III:

McGregor says, though principal shooting on the final chapter of Star Wars is complete, he expects to be called back for some re-shoots in March.

"It's been the pattern with the first two, so I'm keeping most of March free."

McGregor has been quite vocal about how difficult he has found shooting the Star Wars movies because they are not actor-friendly.

"You spend most of your time acting and talking to air, knowing effects, props and even other characters will be inserted at a later date."

He says the great reward and reason he doesn't regret the eight years of his career this trilogy has taken rests with the fans.

"Children see the wonder of it all. When young fans come up to me and ask what it was like to use the light sabre and things like that, I see myself at their age.

"I'm happy to be a small part of something that has meant so much to so many people and will continue to do so."

He says he's looking forward to seeing the final chapter on screen because "it will be a closure to eight years of my life."

Thanks again to TF.N for this info.

Posted: by Rebel Racer

Friday November 28, 2003
EPIII: Ewan Talks Filming

In an article at Sci-Fi Wire, Ewan McGregor talks about filming in a particular Episode III set. Spoilers - Highlight to read:

McGregor also confirmed producer Rick McCallum's spoiler that the prequel will feature an underwater fight scene. "I've done underwater stuff before," McGregor said. "I like filming underwater, because no one's in your eye line, because you can't see. And it's very quiet and peaceful.

Hit the link above for the full article. Thanks to TF.N for this info.

Posted: by Rebel Racer

Thursday November 27, 2003
Happy Thanksgiving from Galactic Voyage

Today I would like to say Happy Thanksgiving to you all. I hope that you will be able to spend some down time with the people that are important in your life. Enjoy the food and relaxation! Next stop, Christmas!

Posted: by Jedi Power

Thursday November 27, 2003
It's a Boy!

Today my wife and I have returned from the hospital after having our second child! It's a boy! His name is Gregory and he was born on Monday November 24th at 5:37 p.m. and was 9 pounds 4.8 ounces, and 21.75 inches long. Thank you all for being so supportive throughout the pregnancy. It is hard to believe he is actually here and that I am now a Dad of two! We have only had a little sleep over the last few days. So, updates may be a little slow for several days until we recover. Thanks for understanding!

Posted: by Jedi Power

Monday November 24, 2003
Jedi Academy: X-Box Review

TeamXBox got a chance to review Jedi Academy for X-Box, and they gave it a 3.5/5. Here's a brief snippit:

The animations are equally horrible with most of the characters doing what must be the Force slide as they walk. Some of the lightsaber moves do redeem the animations somewhat, but overall they seem repetitive and stiff. Being that the majority of the game will be played from the third-person view (unlike in Outcast), you might think that the camera becomes a problem. There were only occasional times when the camera view became a distraction and it was not even a factor when compared with the framerate. The framerate becomes a factor at many times throughout the game, most obviously when the action is hot and heavy. There will be times when you are surrounded by Sith warriors zipping their lightsabers at your head and the framerate chugs along at a snail’s pace. This can become a real nuisance online when there is the opportunity for 8 or more players going at it.

Hit the link above for the full article.

Posted: by Rebel Racer

Monday November 24, 2003
Q&A With George Lucas

TF.N points out The Furry Conflict and the Great ‘Beard’ of the Galaxy for a summary of a new discussion yesterday with George Lucas about his movies, career and of course, Star Wars. Here's some highlights before you head over there:

- Indiana Jones 4 is currently under construction.

- The rumors of Lucas’ plans to change the original trilogy again after the release of Episode III are false.

- The bad acting in Episode II was “done on purpose” and is "part of the style.”

- The rumors about Lucas’ plans to make Episodes 7 – 9 were a “manifestation of the media.” He then joked that it “would be fun” to come up with a new Star Wars trilogy when Harrison (Han Solo) is 70 and have everyone as old people.

Hit the link above for the full article.

Posted: by Rebel Racer