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Galactic News

Thursday March 20, 2003
Broken Allegiance Prequel/Sequel

Our good friend Lango Fett has alerted me to a message from Nick Hallam, the Director/Writer/Producer of the fan film Broken Allegiance.

A message from Nick Hallam
Re: Potential Broken Allegiance Prequel/Sequel

Ever since Broken Allegiance went online in April of 2002, I have received emails on a constant basis from people asking for a sequel.

Due to the enormous budget spent on the first film, and the huge amount of time required to get the film made, I never considered a sequel viable, which is sad. The good times that the cast and crew enjoyed during production are more than reason enough to do it again. But the financial flexibility to allow for it has never been there.

When the first Broken Allegiance was made, there was no reputation at stake. Online, we were coming from nowhere. This time around, there are definite expectations. We made what many considered a fantastic short and people will be wanting to see more of that. In order for that to be a possibility, we are turning to you, our friends, family, and fans, for help.

After doing some intense calculations, it was realized that $7500 US would be needed to make the sequel we think Broken Allegiance deserves. This allows for $5000 to begin production and $2500 for post production. We will do whatever we can to add to this total ourselves, but a large majority of this number will have to be from outside sources. If you want to see this happen, PLEASE help in any way you can. Donations to the budget can be made via
PayPal in US dollars under the email address and by donating you become a part of the production. You are not breaking any laws by giving us money, since you are now a part of the crew and are contributing to the effort, not making us a profit. Every cent goes into making the film, and we see none of it except when it comes time to pay the caterer on filming days. There are 4 levels of contribution:

Executive Producer : $100+
Any person making a donation towards the budget of the proposed "Broken Allegiance prequel/sequel" of an amount $100 US or more will receive a prominent credit in the film's main titles as Executive Producer and hence be entitled to a complimentary VHS or DVD of the film when completed.

Associate Producer : $50-$99
Any person making a donation towards the budget of the proposed "Broken Allegiance prequel/sequel" of an amount $50-$99 US or more will receive a credit in the film's end titles as Associate Producer.

Financial Backer : $10-$49
Any person making a donation towards the budget of the proposed "Broken Allegiance prequel/sequel" of an amount $10-$49 US or more will receive a credit in the film's end titles under Financial Backer.

Thanks to : $1-$9
Any person making a donation towards the budget of the proposed "Broken Allegiance prequel/sequel" of an amount $1-$9 US or more will receive a "Thanks to" credit in the film's end titles.

Please be clear that this film isn't going to get made without donations by the fans towards the cause. We are looking to raise the required budget by
July 31st, 2003. If we do not raise the money we need to complete this project, it will be abandoned and all donations will be refunded. Please do not take a passive stance on this issue! Thank you all for reading, and if you are moved to donate, my infinite gratitude is extended. Cheers!


Be sure to help Nick out in getting the second installment of Broken Allegiance made. You can visit the Broken Allegiance website at You say that you have not seen the first film? Well, you can download it here!


Posted: by Jedi Power