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Video Game Scenes

Developer Dispatch 4-The Making of Coruscant

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This is Developer Dispatch 4-The Making of Coruscant for the video game Star Wars: The Old Republic developed for the PC as a Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game or MMORG. The game is to be released on December 10, 2010. The game takes place more than 3,500 years before the rise of Darth Vader and approximately three hundred years after the events of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (KOTOR).

From the majestic skyline to the dark and seedy underground levels, a large team of The Old Republic developers worked together to construct the dynamic city-world of Coruscant. Watch our latest Developer Dispatch, The Making of Coruscant, to hear developers discuss the creation of the Republic’s capital from the deepest basement to the tallest skyscraper.

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