Ralph McQuarrie Art
Fan Art
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Television Shows

Droids-A Race to the Finish

A Race to the Finish aired on 9/28/1985. The team travel to the planet Boonta to take part in a speeder racing event, but are followed by the Fromms who enlist Boba Fett to exact their revenge on the speeder racers. After failing to stop Thall winning the race, losing his droid, speeder and almost his life in the process, Fett turns on the Fromms and decides to claim a bounty placed on them by Jabba the Hutt. Thal, Jord and Kea are offered jobs by Zebulon Dak to work at his speeder corporation, but they refuse when they realize the droids would have to be re-programmed. R2-D2 and C-3PO choose to leave their masters so they can take the job.

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