Ralph McQuarrie Art
Fan Art
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Cut Scenes-Episode I

The Waterfall
Jar Jar's Balancing Act

Dawn Before the Race

The Waterfall

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20.7 MB

The Waterfall is a scene where Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, and Jar Jar try to escape the malfunctioning Bongo before it goes over the edge of a waterfall. For a breakdown of the scene and more pictures, visit the Cut Scenes section here. This file requires the free DivX codec which can be found here.

Jar Jar's Balancing Act

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1.28 MB

JAR JAR pulls a part out of a stack of parts to inspect it, and they all come tumbling down. He struggles to catch them, only to knock more down. ANAKIN and PADMÉ are oblivious. For a breakdown of the scene and more pictures, visit the Cut Scenes section here. This file requires the free DivX codec which can be found here.

Dawn Before the Race

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9.38 MB

Dawn Before the Race is a scene where the Padmé, Anakin, Kister, and the Droids are preparing the podracer of the Boonta Eve race. For a breakdown of the scene and more pictures, visit the Cut Scenes section here. This file requires the free DivX codec which can be found here.

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