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Bib Fortuna

Bib Fortuna.jpg (6712 bytes)




1.88 Meters




Loyal to Jabba the Hutt

Weapon(s) of Choice:

Poisoned Dagger

Jabba the Hutt’s majordomo and a vile, deceitful being who was a slaver and spice smuggler before he joined Jabba’s court. Although the craven Twi’lek continually plotted his master’s downfall, Fortuna never found courage to usurp Jabba’s power. When Jabba’s sail barge fell under attack by Luke Skywalker and his friends, the weak-willed Fortuna fled. However, he was met at Jabba’s palace by the B’omarr monks, who removed his brain from his body and sentenced him to a life without his senses.

Hailing from the planet Ryloth, Bib Fortuna began his criminal career as a smuggler of an addictive substance known as ryll. He was sentenced to death by his own people, but he escaped and found his way to Tatooine. On the desolate world, Jabba the Hutt hired Fortuna to manage his illegal spice shipments. Due in part to constant groveling, Bib quickly worked his way up through Jabba’s court and found himself appointed as the Hutt’s chief aide. In this capacity, Fortuna did everything imaginable to please his master, including securing slaves and servant druids. However, Fortuna secretly became obsessed with killing Jabba and taking control of his criminal empire.

Despite his grand schemes, Fortuna had yet to act against Jabba when Luke Skywalker and his allies attempted to rescue Han Solo from the crime lord. Jabba captured his enemies and sentenced them to die in the maw of the mighty Sarlacc, but the heroes ultimately escaped and managed to destroy the Hutt’s sail barge. Some accounts indicate that Fortuna perished aboard the vessel with his master. However, in Tales from Jabba’s Palace, it is suggested that the craven Fortuna fled the conflagration aboard his private skiff. He then returned to Jabba’s palace, where he ran afoul of the B’omarr monks. As is customary among the sect, the monks removed Fortuna’s brain and placed it in a nutrient-filled jar. Stripped of his senses, Fortuna could only contemplate the meaning of all existence. Eventually, the Twi’lek managed to have his brain inserted into the body of another of his species named Firth Olan, and took control of Jabba’s empire.

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