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Shada D'ukal




1.6 Meters




Mistryl Shadow Guard, New Republic

Weapon(s) of Choice:


Shada D'ukal and her friend Karoly D'ulin posed as the Tonnika sisters after botching a mission to transport the Hammertong device. In trying to secure passage, Shada impersonated Brea Tonnika and went into the Mos Eisley cantina just before Ben Kenobi and Luke Skywalker arrived to book passage to Alderaan. In a bizarre twist of fate, the real Brea Tonnika had left just three hours before Shada arrived. She eventually found a way to get a section of the weapon off Tatooine and into the hands of the Alliance.

Shada is extremely stealthy and highly skilled with weapons and in hand to hand combat. Shada became the bodyguard of the smuggler Mazzic, using her sharp-edged skills and knife-like fingernail inserts to keep Mazzic safe. The Mistryl society had allowed her to be employed by Mazzic, hoping to obtain wealth for Emberlene as Mazzic’s organization grew. Sixteen years after the Battle of Endor, the smuggler’s company failed to live up to their expectations. The Mistryl sent Karoly to intercept Shada and return her to Emberlene for re-assignment. Shada balked at this, and a struggle ensued. Shada managed to defeat Karoly and flee from both Mazzic and the Mistryl.

She then tried to meet up with Leia Organa-Solo to offer her services as a warrior to the New Republic. She tried calling, but her calls were always rerouted. Shada decided to break into and enter the Princess's home after first disabling one of Leia's Noghri guards.

Leia Organa Solo offered Shada's services to Talon Karrde, who was heading into the Kathol Sector to locate a copy of the Caamas Document. She ended up working for Karrde as part of the mission to find out where Jorj Car’das was hiding.

After finding Car'das on Exocron and defeating Rei'kas, Shada learned from Car'das the true history of Emberlene. He offered her a datacard that contained the names of the mercenaries who destroyed the planet, as well as offering a second datacard. Shada decided that it was time the Mistryl moved on from their needs for revenge, and took the second card. It contained histories of Flim, Grodin Tierce, and Moff Disra, which she and Karrde returned to Admiral Pellaeon to use.

Shada was able to stop the cloned Major Grodin Tierce from killing Gilad Pellaeon and the Mistryl leader, Paloma D'asima. As a result the hunter teams were called off.

After the Caamas Incident was resolved and a peace treaty was placed on the table, Shada agreed to work for the new Intelligence agency Karrde set up to share information between the Empire and the New Republic. Shada took the role of Kradde's unofficial second in command, a position that had been open since Mara Jade left the organization.

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