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General Crix Madine

Crix Madine.jpg (10545 bytes)




1.7 Meters





Weapon(s) of Choice:

Blaster Pistol

One of many imperial officers who, disgusted by the Emperor’s rule, defected to the Rebel Alliance. Madine originally earned his reputation as a brilliant leader while in charge of the Storm Commandos, an elite army unit ordered to commit heinous crimes in the Emperor’s name. Madine eventually came to loathe such atrocities and willingly joined the Alliance, where he was placed in command of covert actions. In this capacity, he devised the attack on the Endor shield generator and trained the soldiers who accompanied Han Solo to the forest moon.

Crix Madine did not join the Rebel Alliance until shortly after the Battle of Yavin when his conscience and strong morals finally forced him to refuse a direct order from the Emperor. A wanted criminal, Madine had no choice but to join the Rebels. He then rediscovered his old friend Carlist Rieekan. Based on Rieekan’s recommendation, Madine was accepted by Mon Mothma despite his past affiliations. Mon Mothma’s decision proved incredibly wise, for Madine immediately began transforming the Rebel ground forces into fighting units capable of repelling heavily armed stormtroopers.

When the Alliance discovered that the Empire was building a second Death Star above the forest moon of Endor, General Madine took it upon himself to find a way to destroy the shield generator protecting the new battle station. First, he assigned the task of capturing an Imperial shuttle to a unit of soldiers. Madine personally recruited and trained these operatives, and was therefore justifiably pleased when their mission proved a complete success. Next, Madine proposed that a small Rebel strike team use the stolen shuttle to land on Endor and target the shield generator. Again, he chose and prepared these soldiers, mapped out the attack, and devised strategies for dealing with resistance. The strike force, led by Han Solo, succeeded in deactivating the shield around the Death Star, allowing the Rebel fleet to attack and destroy the space station.

After the Battle of Endor, Madine declined a seat on the New Republic’s Provisional Council. He subsequently became Supreme Allied Commander for Intelligence, and was deeply involved in the New Republic’s clash with Grand Admiral Thrawn. He also devised methods for attacking the Imperial World Devastators when these massive craft attacked Mon Calamari. Sadly, Madine eventually met a grisly end on a highly sensitive mission. While leading a commando force in search of a massive super weapon being built for Durga the Hutt, Madine and his entire team were captured. Shortly before Alliance ships arrived to rescue the general and his unit, Durga shot Madine through the heart, killing him instantly.

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