Ralph McQuarrie Art
Fan Art
Featured Artist


Featured Artists-Craig Burt Collection

Painting by Numbers

Be sure to see Craig's Paintings and Cartoons!
E-mail Craig at

Painting by Numbers provides us with a look at Craig's art work from his earliest sketches to the final product. Craig also walks us through his thought process for the inspiration and creation of the image. I hope you will enjoy this section like I do.

2Naboo BooBoo progression.jpg (152666 bytes)
Naboo BooBoo
111Bail Out progressive.jpg (137592 bytes)
Bail Out progressive
111D Day progression.jpg (232630 bytes)
"D Day"
111Dooku Dance progression.jpg (115985 bytes)
"Dooku Dance"
111Federation Folly progression.jpg (181741 bytes)
"Federation Folly"
111Final Fling progression.jpg (241929 bytes)
"Final Fling"
111Heartware prpgression.jpg (226815 bytes)
111Token Toll progression.jpg (196187 bytes)
"Token Toll"
111Vatman progression.jpg (238217 bytes)
111Premonition Padme progressive.jpg (243343 bytes)
"Premonition Padmé"
Progressive 2Arena Screama.jpg (208921 bytes)
"Arena Screama"
111Amidala Armament progressive.jpg (175143 bytes)
"Amidala Armament"
Sw 4 BBY progressive.jpg (941576 bytes)
111Anakin Amour progressive.jpg (230920 bytes)
"Anakin Amour"
111Fighting Few progressive.jpg (225979 bytes)
"Fighting Few"
2Padme Power progressive.jpg (202657 bytes)
"Padmé Power"
111Past and Present progressive.jpg (164249 bytes)
"Past and Present"
111Three for Three progressive.jpg (203949 bytes)
"Three for Three"
2Jedi Jitters progression.jpg (178523 bytes)
"Jedi Jitters"
2Dooku DooDoo progression.jpg (281250 bytes)
"Dooku DooDoo"
2Blond Bombshells progressive.jpg (183567 bytes)
"Blond Bombshells"
2Jango's Tango progression.jpg (181434 bytes)
"Jango's Tango"
2Wam Bam Thankya Zam progressive.jpg (186005 bytes)
"Wam Bam Thankya Zam"
2Clone Clone Ontherange progressive.jpg (172447 bytes)
"Clone Clone On The Range"
2Troubled Trio progressive.jpg (159212 bytes)
"Troubled Trio"
2Mace's Mauling progressive.jpg (188845 bytes)
"Mace's Mauling"
2Lover's Lament progressive.jpg (173600 bytes)
"Lover's Lament"
2Tatooine Twilight progressive.jpg (204492 bytes)
"Tatooine Twilight"
111Purge Scourge progressive.jpg (278302 bytes)
"Purge Scourge"
2Palpatine's Plain progressive.jpg (182048 bytes)
"Palpatine's Plain"
2Jedi Councilling progressive.jpg (174581 bytes)
"Jedi Councilling"
111Lava Limb progressive.jpg (301212 bytes)
"Lava Limb"

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