Ralph McQuarrie Art
Fan Art
Featured Artist


Featured Artists-Craig Burt Collection

Painting by Numbers

2Palpatine's Plain progressive.jpg (182048 bytes)
"Palpatine's Plain"

This, Papatine's Plain, I think, is the second of these Star Wars paintings when starting on this painting binge. The first was another version of this, that being the first painting I'd tried in years and was terrible; it was badly painted and I'd even forgot how to mix colors. So that means Naboo Booboo was actually the first scene painted in this series and in fact the third painting I'd tried in however many years. 

1. This is a painting done many years ago which I always liked and was the inspiration. 

2. Is the photo used.

3. With these you can see the development of the sketches; from rough, on top, to more defined, on bottom. I think I might have done the top ones before I'd found the photo to work from, as you can see by the expression of the face that the sketches resemble the original painting more than it should. 

4. Is the end point. The painting worked reasonably well, considering I had to alter completely the lighting and shadows. Putting Palpatine in space with just white light and the 'starlike' nature of the face I thought suited the elusive nature of The Force; the supposed source of his power.

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