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Jango Fett




1.83 Meters


Concord Dawn


Free-Lance Bounty Hunter

Weapon(s) of Choice:

Twin Blaster Pistols

Jango Fett cultivated anonymity behind the faceplate of his Mandalorian helmet. Then he served as the template for a clone army, and suddenly Jango was everywhere. His clone "brothers" also wore masks, and they spread across the galaxy during the Clone Wars.

Orphaned when his settler parents were killed in an uprising, Jango Fett joined the Mandalorian peacekeepers, a group of nomadic mercenaries with whom he traveled for a few years.

On Galidaraan, the Mandalorians found themselves on the wrong side of a battle. The Jedi Knights nearly eliminated their outnumbered opponents. Jango slipped away, preparing to go into business for himself as a hunter-for-hire.

Jango received spectacular payoffs for his successes and earned a reputation as the best in the business. He flew a modified Firespray-class F-31 named Slave I. Calling himself "just a simple man trying to make my way in the universe," Jango followed no ideologies and accepted jobs from anyone with money. But one private vendetta tortured him-his hatred for his fellow hunter Montross.

Years before, Montross had killed Mandalorian officer Jaster Mereel and mounted his armor-bearing the skull insignia of Mereel’s regiment- in his home as a grim trophy. During a job collecting a bounty from the leader of the Bando Gora, Fett confronted Montross and walked away victorious.

Soon after the Battle of Naboo, a man named Tyranus approached Jango on one of the moons of Bogden. Out of all the galaxies bounty hunters, Jango had been picked to provide the genetic template for a clone army that would be grown on watery Kamino. Fett took up residence in Kamino’s Tipoca City and proceeded to provide regular genetic samples. He continued his bounty hunting career from this new base.

The Kaminoans paid well, but Jango also asked for something else. Prime Minister Lama Su gave Jango a newborn clone, unaltered, to raise as his own son. Jango named his clone Boba.

Ten years into Jango’s stay on Kamino, Tyranus-really Count Dooku-hired the bounty hunter to eliminate Senator Padmé Amidala on Coruscant. Jango entrusted the job to one of his freelance stringers, Zam Wesell, but killed her when she threatened the security of the operation.

Later, on Kamino, Jango met Obi-Wan Kenobi. His instincts told him the visitor was trouble. Jango and his son prepped their ship to leave Kamino and, after a heated clash with Kenobi, fled the waterworld.

The Jedi Knight followed them through the asteroid rings of Geonosis, and later more Jedi invaded the planet’s execution arena. Jango tried to help fight them off, but died in one-on-one combat with Jedi Master Mace Windu.

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