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Lightsaber Duel!

Today has another installment in  their spoiler marathon as we see Anakin and Obi-Wan in battle! Spoiler - Highlight to read: When Anakin and Padme arrive on Geonosis, the battle is raging on in the sky and on the ground. They land their ship near the stalagmite tower that encompasses the arena. Padme and Anakin get in an argument about what to do next, as Anakin doesn't want to fight and he would rather stay with Padme to protect her (keep in mind, his mother just died and he's very shaken up.) Padme tells him they have to fight and eventually they split up - Anakin goes to find Obi-Wan and Padme joins the Republic forces. C-3PO and R2D2 stay on the ship.

At this time Obi-Wan catches up with Dooku in a hangar hold Dooku's ship. Lightsabers ignite and they engage in battle. Dooku is obviously a better fighter than Obi-Wan, using calculated moves and expending little energy in the fight. It's not the constant fighting like in Episode 1 - they talk quite a bit while fighting (like Vader and Obi-Wan in Ep. IV.) Dooku speaks to Obi-Wan almost hypnotically, telling him of the instability of the Republic and how it will crumble. Addressing him as "a Master," Dooku begs Obi-Wan to just kill him, then easily deflects his saber when the frustrated Jedi Knight attacks.

Obi-Wan is greeted with some timely help as Anakin finally arrives. The battle continues and, while Obi-Wan appreciates the assistance, Dooku still overpowers both Jedi at the same time. He begins to taunt both of them now, and seems to be enjoying himself. Dooku pries into their deepest fears and regrets. At one point, Obi-Wan finds himself in an all-too-familiar scenario when he's separated from the battle. Anakin and Dooku are now alone, and Obi-Wan fears he will lose Anakin just like he lost Qui-Gon.

Anakin is in a state of mental chaos. His mother has just been slain in front of his very eyes, he can't protect his love (Padme) from the battle outside, he has been separated from his master, and he's now engaged in a battle against one of the most powerful Force-wielders in the galaxy. Dooku sees Anakin's mental instability and can sense his fear. Using this to his advantage, he bullies Anakin for his own amusement. Dooku's intent at this moment is not to turn Anakin to the dark side, rather to amuse himself by messing with Anakin's head. He begins to tell Anakin he's fighting a lost cause - he failed to protect his mother... just as he failed to protect Padme. Dooku tells Anakin she has been killed in the battle.

Anakin snaps. Out of pure rage, he swings furiously at Dooku who is a bit taken with the overwhelming power this young Jedi is displaying. Dark side emotions run through Anakin and Dooku is forced to defend himself with a little more caution. Obi-Wan finally rejoins the battle.

As the battle continues, Obi-Wan tries to control Anakin. He tells him to concentrate on the battle and not to think of Padme's death. Upon hearing what he believes in confirmation from his master, Anakin becomes so enraged he takes a swing at Obi-Wan. At this point, Count Dooku chops a large mechanical loading device (like a claw) and it begins to fall on Anakin and Obi-Wan. ...... {DETAILS WITHHELD} ........ Dooku sees a familiar figure enter the battle - Yoda. Knowing the Jedi Master's power over the Force, Dooku decides the odds are no longer in his favor so he makes for his ship.

Wow! This battle is going to rock! I love it when the bad guy is talking trash while they are just toying with their opponent!

Jedi Power

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