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The Anomids, pale-skinned humanoids native to Yablari, were among the Galaxy's wealthiest societies, thanks to their natural technical aptitude. Anomids had long been part of the Galactic Republic, and were seen throughout the populated galaxy as technicians, explorers, or tourists.

Anomids almost always wore elaborate masks which covered most of their faces. These were not breath masks, but vocalizer units. Since Anomids had no vocal cords, they relied on these vocalizer masks to communicate with other species. These masks were often elaborately customized to reflect an Anomid's social status, family origin, or profession. Among themselves, Anomids communicated using an elaborate sign language. Anomid sign language required six-fingered hands, which made it difficult for Humans or Human-programmed protocol droids to use.

Anomid civilization had a long history of pacifism and technical achievement. Though they developed hyperdrive technology 15,100 before the Battle of Yavin, they did not leave their home system for a century. They finally sent probes to other systems when a drought threatened food production on their home planet. After coming across a Duros colony which could bolster the Yablari system's food supplies, the Anomids developed a strong interest in meeting other cultures. They soon became active members of the Republic, learning technologies and other ideas from other cultures in order to benefit their society. Among the first technologies they acquired were advanced Ithorian agricultural techniques, for which the Anomids were always grateful. Much of the technology developed or acquired by the Anomids had to do with agriculture — food was both the main export and the main import to the Yablari system. They were also experts in the miniaturization of computer components, though they refused to work on computers with military applications.

Anomids were governed by a Central Council, whose members were appointed by regional groups of techno-nobles, scholars, and business leaders for one to seven year terms. Their legal system was cumbersome, as laws were never repealed. Instead, new laws were added to counter or modify old ones. Offworlders often studied the intricacies of the Anomid legal system, either for ideas for their own legal systems or as examples of what not to do. 

Most Anomids were pacifists — historians believed that no major wars had ever been fought in the Yablari system. However, around 50 before the Battle of Yavin, a nonconformist subculture developed among the younger Anomids. These nonconformists wore light, sleeveless clothes rather than the oversized robes favored by most Anomids, and rejected their traditional pacifist ideals. 

During the Imperial era, the Central Council was internally divided, but supported the Empire for the good of the Yablari system. Rebel operatives, on the other hand, liked to befriend Anomid travelers who might be persuaded to give money to the cause. Some Rebel safeworlds used Anomid food technology to stretch limited supplies.

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